/  / Vehicle park in Poland - Passenger cars and commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes GVW

Vehicle park - Passenger Cars and Commercial Vehicles with GVW up to 6 tonnes


The database contains detailed information about passenger cars and commercial vehicles up to 3.5 tonnes GVW, not older than 10 years, registered in Poland.

The database has been compiled based on the information obtained from the Central Vehicle register (CEP) maintained by the Ministry of Interior (MSW).

The database includes the following information:
- Vehicle make and model,
- Year of manufacture (starting from 2001),
- Vehicle type (passenger car, commercial ...),
- Body style / body type,
- Engine capacity cm3,
- Engine power
- Fuel type,
- Alternative fuel type,
- Number of seats (up to 3, 4-5, 6-9 and more),
- Gross vehicle weight,
- Payload (for commercial vehicles),
- Month and year of registration in Poland,
- Customer type (Private, company),
- Entity which has registered the vehicle (s),
- Name of company which has registered the vehicle (s) (for leasing and fleet management companies),
- National register of the administrative territorial units for Poland (TERYT),
- Province (Województwo),
- District (Powiat),
- Municipality (Gmina),
- Vehicle classification as per Samar segment.

Downloadable files are available in Access and txt formats.
Sample file is included.

The database is part of the IBRM Samar commercial product offer. Please contact us with inquieries on oferta@samar.pl
The current edition
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